Defense Shield — iPhone Case Built to Last
Published on 03/23/2019
By David Hamilton
It’s our pleasure to welcome Defense Shield by X-Doria back as our TMO sponsor this week. As we previously noted, Defense makes different types of great accessories for your iPhone, including the Defense Vertical Duo Charger we recently highlighted. This week, as you’ve likely seen, we’re focused on the Defense Shield iPhone Cases.

Defense Shield’s clear back and carbon fiber cases are all protected by their thin, light anodized aluminum shell.
I’ve had the chance to check out a variety of the cases from the Defense Shield line, and they quickly became favorites with my family and around the house. These cases come in a variety of colors and textures (including several truly clear-back models!), and their protection is top notch.
Anodized Machined Metal Frame – As noted, the Defense Shield is made up of a heavy-duty machined aluminum frame, while inside, soft rubber wraps around your iPhone 11 Pro, absorbing and deflecting any shock your device experiences on impact. This combination feels snug and secure around your phone, and keeps things well-protected.
Acoustic Channel Directs Speaker Forward – An integrated sound channel amplifies the bottom speaker and redirects sound to the front of the case for the best sound experience. The simple snap on construction of Defense Shield means you don’t need any tools to install the case, and it can be easily taken off.
to your cart before checkout.And we do recommend you check out these cases. We were impressed when we first saw them, and we think you’ll feel similarly. Again, thanks to Defense Shield by X-Doria for their sponsorship this week!